An open Letter to Mr. Mizrahi

Dear Isaac,

May I call you Isaac? (We did meet once … and I still have that coat, if you still want to borrow it.)

I was thrilled when your editor, Erika, asked if I wanted to see a copy of your new magazine, Isaac’s style Book. Did I want to SEE it? Darn tootin’! I was even thrilled-er (don’t worry, I can use words like that, I’m a professional) when I got it. In fact, I am having a hard time deciding what feature I liked best. Was it the “Hairography”, where Linda Dresner deconstructed all of her previous hairstyles? Was it the essay where David Rakoff constructs (by hand, no less) a sensible facsimile of a pair of Levis 501s? Or was it the pages of “swatches” of different pinks (everything from Mary Kay & her Cadillac to a Maira Kalman illustration)?

The “closet case” in which a woman (who was neither a socialite nor being urged to lose weight by a team of experts, thank god) got help finding just a couple of items (not an entirely new wardrobe, which, for anybody over the age of 18, is much more like brainwashing than style help) is really excellent, with terrific photos. The “revamp” instructions are pretty decent, too (I have an issue with wardrobe-revamp instructions that encourage me to take one garment I don’t like and make another one I wouldn’t wear out of it: Flashdance-style t-shirts, anyone?). The atelier shots were gorgeous, too, but the literalist in me would have liked some captions. who were all those people, and did the clothing shown make it to production?

I’m also pleased that you’ll be posting updates every week on your notes page. And, that even though the magazine has limited distribution for now, people can get their own copies (for the price of mailing) here.

Erika tells me the next issue will be out in March/April. I’m looking forward to it!

Yours in the struggle,


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