A new obsession

So, after being in China a few days, I am completely obsessed with the gorgeous, slim, almost-but-not-quite standard dresses I am seeing on the street. Where on earth these women are getting these dresses, I have no idea, as every place I’ve been has been a vacationer nightmare of rayon satin, but hey. They’re allowed to keep their sources a secret from me.

However, the internet, as always, provides. check this one out, at chinasprout.com. So pretty, so economical ($42!), so orange! (I like orange. There also seems to be a blue one I couldn’t edit out. Blue’s just … okay.)

Oh, and folks, you’re gonna love this. dress a Day reader Eevin Hartsough sent me this link: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/fold.php. [warning: flash animation] Fold a tee shirt in two counterintuitive and swooping movements! It’s fun and supplies a incredible sense of accomplishment (okay, it did after I practiced it a few times). If you don’t feel happiness upon seeing this you might need a happiness recalibration. See your doctor.

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